I am so excited to be a part of the CKCCW and our Christ the King Parish family. We are the Church! This organization is a testament to that statement every time we pray, serve and come together as sisters in Christ. We would love to continue to grow and have a large sisterhood in our parish, so please come join us and bring a friend, or two or more to see what the CKCCW is all about. There is a brochure link below and a link to our Facebook Group.
Are you ready to join? Simply download the membership application below, complete it and turn it in with your $20 annual dues to the rectory or in an envelope with Council of Catholic Women Attn: Nikki Wallace in the collection at Mass. If you have a specific Circle you would like to join, please make a note on the application.
Christ the King Council of Catholic Women is in the South Jacksonville Deanery of the St. Augustine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and was started in 1954. In March 1920, National Council of Catholic Women was founded under the auspices of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. They witnessed the important work done by Catholic women’s organizations during World War 1 and had the wisdom to call for the founding of the NCCW to bring these organizations together. This gave U.S. Catholic women a unified voice, a national service program and the ability to reach out to each other through a national organization. The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service.