"Cursillo" is the Spanish word for "short course in Christianity". Cursillo is a spiritual renewal program that began in Spain in the 1940s and was introduced to the United States in the 1950s. Cursillos in Christianity is a movement which, by its own method, attempts from within the Church, to give life to essential Christian truths in the singularity, originality and creativity of the person. To explain Cursillo to someone who has never experienced Cursillo is, at best, difficult. Often, for those who have experienced Cursillo it is still somewhat mystifying. The reason behind the mystery is God. No one can fully explain how God touches each person in His special/unique way throughout the various elements of the Cursillo Movement.
The Immediate Purpose of the Cursillo Is to provide a foundation so the person may live what is fundamental for being a Christian; love of God and love of neighbor, experienced through three essential encounters: an encounter with oneself, with Christ and with Others.
The Ultimate Purpose of the Cursillo is to vertebrae Christianity in society, through those who live what is fundamental for being a Christian, the love of God and neighbor, in their daily lives by making a conscious effort to speak to the world about Christ while strengthening the three encounters that are nourished by Group Reunion and the Ultreya.
The next Cursillo weekends will be February 20th – the 23rd for the men, and March 5th – the 8th 2020 for the Women. LET GO and LET GOD!